South African Medical Association





The Administrator of the trade union (seemingly aided by the Registrar of Labour, and Department of Public Service and Administration) has used the judgement of the labour court to obstruct the migration process and the wishes of our members by reinstating Persal deductions for SAMATU, even after resignation from the SAMATU has taken place.

The judgement had the effect of declaring all SAMA members who paid via Persal, automatic members of SAMATU. Meaning that although those members never signed up to a union separate from SAMA, they now had to terminate their membership in accordance with the rules applicable to trade unions.

SAMA has done all it could to make the migration process as easy and convenient as possible for our valued members. Lamentably, we have been hindered at every step:

1. The account details for all Persal deductions were changed from SAMAs account to that of the Administrator without notification. Meaning that all SAMA members who pay their fees via Persal, now had their money end up in the unions account. SAMA has no access to this money, yet still continued to deliver all the services and benefits to our affected members to ensure that members aren’t left in the lurch.

2. SAMA endeavoured to give effect to the wishes of our members – migrating their payment method from Persal to debit order. However, in May SAMA was informed by Treasury that it would no longer be able to effect terminations to the Persal system on behalf of our members.

3. Compelled to abide by the court’s decision and the Labour Relations Act, SAMA sent members termination letters to submit to the employer and union. (If members are deemed to be union members, they had to cancel their membership in terms of the Act)

Members raised concerns that HR departments weren’t particularly willing to assist. In addition, the Administrator made every effort to ignore or refute these legitimate termination requests in order to continue to deduct money from their salaries. Also implementing a reinstatement of Persal deductions that was already cancelled.

SAMA is doing all it possibly can to fight this pernicious, unscrupulous (seemingly political) campaign. It has become clear that the forces intend to divide the medical profession by all means possible.

We believe it is important that our members be made aware of these developments. Unfortunately, whether by collusion or coincidence, the actions of the Administrator and authorities involved are threatening to destabilise SAMA at a time when a strong united profession is needed most.

SAMA will continue to fight for its members, but now dear valued member we need you to also fight for SAMA.

Doctors are already a relatively small group in the healthcare sector and need to stand together and stand firm to have their voices heard. SAMA believes that it would be severely detrimental to the profession if members are divided by the Registrar of Labour, merely because doctors didn’t fit into the traditional ‘shop steward’ mould and paid membership fees through the Persal system. It is terribly sad that a trade union which was meant to benefit members of SAMA, now poses a risk to it and a united profession.

SAMA leadership will engage with all SAMA members via online platforms. Dates will be confirmed.

Yours in solidarity

SAMA Board of directors
Office of the SAMA General Manager

The South African Medical Association - Postal Address-The South African Medical Association P O Box 74789,Lynnwood Ridge Pretoria 0040, South Africa Physical address The South African Medical Association, Block F Castle Walk Corporate Park Nossob Street Erasmuskloof Ext3 Pretoria 0181,
South Africa

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