Updates to COVID-19 Treatment Rapid Reviews and addition to technical resources on NICD Website
Dear SAMA Members,
Since early in April, the National Essential Medicines List Sub-Committee on COVID-19 has been publishing rapid reviews of evidence available for treatment options for COVID-19.
These reviews have aimed to conduct rapid evidence synthesis reports of therapeutics for the management of COVID-19.
The reports provide up-to-date information and guidance based on current evidence and inform the National Clinical Guidelines for the Clinical Management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 disease.
Since the last SAMA notification and update in early July (newsletter 3 July), several updates have been made including:
Interferons - not recommended (31 July) Colchicine - not recommended (6 August)
Most of the rapid evidence reviews have been conducted for seriously ill or hospitalised patient groups, where evidence is the strongest.
Please access the rapid reviews at http://www.health.gov.za/index.php/national-essential-medicine-list-committee-nemlc/category/633-covid-19-rapid-reviews
In addition, the link to the rapid reviews has been added to the Technical Guidance Documents on the NICD website: https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z-index/covid-19/covid-19-resources/
Questions? Queries? Please share with us at covid19@samedical.org