South African Medical Association







Dear Colleagues,

The Education, Science and Technology subcommittee of the South African Medical Association would like to invite members and the public to nominate doctors/ other individuals who they think have made significant contributions in bringing health to the nation. We are looking for individuals recognised by their peers, patients and communities as someone who has made a difference to science, the healthcare environment, communities and individuals. These outstanding individuals will be honoured at the National SAMA conference and merit awards ceremony which will take place from the 8th to 10th August 2019 at the Tsogo Sun Hotel, Elangeni in Durban.

For nominations to be valid one needs to complete the nomination form that is available on the website ( This nomination form requires the following details to be provided:

1. Motivation not exceeding 500 words supporting the reason for nomination: Submissions must be in English to avoid key elements being lost in translation. This is the most important element in determining the placement of candidates into categories.

2. The motivation should entail a crypt, concise extract from candidate’s CV which should entail:
a. Special area of Interest: Research, Publications, Awards, Community involvement.

b. Other personal details including a photograph such as name in full, professional status, personal contact details and address.

c. The curriculum vitae may be provided as additional information but the nomination form is essential.

d. The name and contact details of the person/branch submitting the nomination form. Nominations received after the due date (31 May 2019) will NOT be considered.

The following are awards that are open for nominations under specific categories:

1. Human Rights and Health
1.1 Medal of Honour

This is most prestigious of SAMA awards and is reserved for an individual who has displayed the very best in human effort, personal sacrifice which may include a forfeiture of freedom and dedicate their life in the cause of humanitarian service. One would expect this individual to show an iconic international footprint. It is not uncommon to have such individuals being subjected to detention, interrogation, torture, incarceration or even being exterminated in their pursuit of his/her ideals.
Previous recipients of this award include Dr Fabian Ribeiro and Prof Marian Jacobs.

1.2 Medal of Transformation Equity and Justice

This nomination must show evidence that this individual has taken up the fight for transformation, justice and equity even in the face of personal sacrifice, material loss or threat to security. The nominee should be a campaigner for justifiable changes within the medical fraternity and may include activities that promotes unity within the SAMA or fights for equal opportunity across the race or class divide in academia, industry or state structures. The individual could also be someone who champions the cause for equity in the delivery of medical and healthcare services, especially to the poor, needy, indigent and disabled.

Previous recipients of this award include Prof Leslie London and recently, Dr PN Govender.

2. Medicine awards
2.1 Fellowship in Art & Science of Medicine:

The nominee should display an iconic international footprint by obtaining international acclaim of excellence in the practice of medicine both as an art and a science. This award is generally reserved for an exclusive group of members who have been endowed with the special privilege for moving the frontiers of medicine forward or widening the horizon in achieving a greater understanding of medicine. The nominee should embrace the philosophy and the ethical constraints of the profession as a whole. They may champion the cause of healthcare despite obstacles. This award is equal in prestige and status to the:

• Heroes in Medicine Award (CANADA)
• Member of the Institute of Medicine (USA)

Previous awardees include Prof M Michael Sathekge, Prof Bongani Mayosi and recently, Prof B Gerhard Lindeque.

2.2 Extra-ordinary Service to Medicine Award

This individual should display and outstanding contribution to medicine in a dedicated field. The incumbent should have pursued with a single-minded purpose a chosen area of interest in medicine and has made a substantial contribution in the research promotion and advancement of that field. The work must extend beyond the ordinary terrain of medicine and extend into the wider community and nation. Publication of work in internationally accepted medical journals is a pre-requisite.

This award was previously conferred on Prof Jagidesa (Jack) Moodley and recently, Prof Rudo Mathiva.

2.3 Life-time Achievement Award
The nominee must have dedicated his life in the single-minded pursuit of medicine as a career, with distinction. This is awarded to individuals who have given a productive life-time of distinguished service to medicine, making the profession proud. Loyalty, dedication and professional conduct is worthy of emulation.

Previous awardees include Prof Andrew Argent, Prof Andries Stulting, Dr Joseph Teeger, Dr Helen Rees and recently, Prof Jannie Hugo

2.4 The Spirit of Medicine Award:

This award recognises the contribution made by an individual who has:
a) Provided extra-ordinary service to his/her community or nation extending beyond the field of medicine.

b) Distinguished him/herself both in the field of medicine and also in areas beyond in creating an enabling environment and/or living habitat, or working in the wider interest of mankind.

c) Championed the cause of the poor, the indigent and dispossessed within a given ecosystem/community.

d) Provided selfless service to medicine which includes community health without a view to material gain or personal recognition.

e) Displayed through practice that medicine is a “Calling” and is recognised by his/her peers as a role model.

Previous recipients of this award include Dr Geoff Govender, Dr Stephen Grobler, Prof Robert Golelele and recently, Dr Ndiviwe Mphothulo.

2.5 Young Leader Award

This award is made to a doctor, less than 35 years of age at time of nomination, who is making a difference to his/her community/ healthcare environment. The following criteria apply:

a) This colleague maybe in a research oriented environment and be making significant contributions. The nominee should be endorsed by an accredited research institute or university.

b) This award may also be made to an individual, on the recommendation of the public sector doctors representative body, to a colleague who has shown extraordinary service to his/her community or healthcare environment.

This award was previously given to Dr Vuyane Mhlomi and recently, to Dr Jayshina Punwasi.

2.6 Community Service Award

This is awarded to an individual who has rendered outstanding service over sustained period of at least 20 years. Any of the following criteria may apply:

a) This nominee may have taken a leadership role in managing a specialized field of medicine in the community e.g. caring for physically and mentally challenged patients.

b) The nominee may have rendered humane, innovative care, under extreme trying conditions be they in the face of poor or lack of facilities, or conditions calling for personal sacrifice.

c) The nominee may have taken an educative and mentorship role in adding value to the health of a community such as empowering communities to grow their own food, maintain good health, improve sanitation etc.

2.7 Emerging Scientist Award

This new award recognises outstanding research done by a registrar attached to any South African university who publishes his/her Masters Degree in Medicine (MMed) research as partial fulfilment of his/her degree in the calendar year preceding the award ceremony and is judged by his/her peers to have performed outstanding work in the field of medicine. The requirements for this award will involve completion of the nomination form as well as the providing the committee with the following.

a) An electronic copy of the publication.

b) Evidence that the manuscript has been published in a peer reviewed scientific journal.

c) A letter from the university confirming that the registrar is/was registered as a MMed candidate.

d) Journal standing such as current impact factor of the journal may be served as supporting documentation.

e) Article metrics may also serve as supporting documentation.

2.8 Service excellence in the private sector

This is a new award for private sector doctors who need to have been making a difference in their area of practice. The criteria for this award are as follows:

a) The doctor must have been a practicing medical doctor for at least 10 years,

b) Evidence of making a difference in his/her community must be submitted with the nomination.

c) The doctor must show compassion and empathy towards patients.

A recent recipient of this award was Dr Putswana J Senoamadi.

3. SAMA loyalty award
3.1 SAMA Award of the Year

This award is given to a SAMA member who has maintained a distinguished service to the SAMA of an extra-ordinary nature as judged by his/her peers.

Previous recipients of this ward include Dr Fazel Randera, Dr Akthar Hussain, Dr Gregory Mbambisa and recently, Dr Farah Jawitz.

Prepared by Prof Mergan Naidoo
Chair: Education, Science and Technology Committee


SAMA Awards Nomination Form 2019

The South African Medical Association - Postal Address-The South African Medical Association P O Box 74789,Lynnwood Ridge Pretoria 0040, South Africa Physical address The South African Medical Association, Block F Castle Walk Corporate Park Nossob Street Erasmuskloof Ext3 Pretoria 0181,
South Africa

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Last updated Thursday, 21 February 2019 15:18

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