South African Medical Association



Occupation Specific Dispensation

In an attempt to minimize implementation problems that members experienced with the implementation of OSD Phase 1, SAMA developed the attached abridged version of the Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council (PHSDSBC) Resolution 1 of 2010.

The document provides the translation keys to the revised salary scales for the employees in the ring-fenced professional categories, as mentioned in the OSD addendum to PHSDSBC Resolution 3 of 2009.

The document also highlights amendments to PHSDSBC Resolution 3 of 2009 regarding the appointment requirements for certain categories; the introduction of the new OSD job/post level of a Senior Clinical Manager* and its appointment and grade progression requirements; and the replacement of the OSD post/job level of Assistant Manager: Medical Services with a single (amalgamated) post/job level of Manager: Medical Services Grade 1 and Grade 2.

OSD is according to the Department of Health (DoH) likely to be implemented this month or next month to avoid potential problems that could be created by the concurrent implementation of the cost of living adjustment (COLA) and the OSD Resolution 1 of 2010. Members will be informed of the exact OSD implementation date as soon as same is confirmed by DoH.

Implementation for the new OSD post/job levels like the Senior Clinical Managers could be delayed since the individual portfolios of the affected employees still needs to be verified by both Provincial and National Departments of Health.Members are further reminded that OSD implementation will be back-dated from 1 April 2010, whilst the COLA implementation will be back-dated from 1 July 2010.

NB: * Senior Clinical Managers are employees who were Chief Medical Officers level 12 on the establishment of a health facility pre-OSD, and who occupied a post where it was required of the incumbent and contained in the job description to directly supervise more than one post of Chief Medical Officer, which post was converted to that of a Clinical Manager on 1 July 2009 as per the provisions of PHSDSBC Resolution 1 of 2009.

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